Coachings For Various Staff Nurse Recruitment Exams, AIIMS, JIPMER,PGIMER, RRB Etc For Nurses

Coachings For Various Staff Nurse Recruitment Exams, AIIMS, JIPMER,PGIMER, RRB Etc For Nurses Staff recruitment exams are one of the most competitive exams through which every year many qualified professionals are recruited to various posts through exams like SSC, ESIC, NVS etc. apart from these, there are other exams for recruiting Nurses like AIIMS,JIPMER,PGIMER, RRB. Various staff nurse recruitment exams Similar to other staff recruitment exams, there is staff nurse recruitment exam through which nurses are recruited for different exams. These are some of the staff nurse recruitment exams: AIIMS The staff recruitment exam for nurses to get placed in AIIMS is conducted every year in the month of June. there are certain qualification criteria for this exam they are: Candidates should pass 12th or equivalent exam PCB and English from a recognized board. The candidate should obtain minimum of 55% of marks for General/OBC quota and 50% for SC/ST....