Even though English language is accepted worldwide, many German speaking countries insist the job seekers to learn German language. Learning German might seem a little difficult initially as you have to learn the grammar and other complex rules connected to it. For a non-native speaker the first and foremost thing to understand about the language is that German vocabulary is gendered and the grammar isn’t always intuitive. Many institutes provides German language course in Kerala especially for nurses who are looking for a career in Germany. You might adopt some tips and tricks for quick German language learning.

      1. Go For Modal Verbs

 Modal verbs are those which express ideas of possibility, permission, desire and obligation like the words in English can, must, might, may etc. To express things one must learn the conjugation of these verbs along with some of the most frequently-used verbs. There are a lot of declensions and conjugations in German language. According to case and tense the verbs changes its form. Words such as können (can), wollen (want), sollen (should), dürfen (may/be allowed to), müssen (must), möchten (would like), mögen (like) acts like a verb which in turn moves to the end of the sentence in the infinitive.

More clearly to say:

Subject + Verb + Object → Subject + Modal Verb + Object + Verb (infinitive)

You can learn German fast once you learn how to conjugate each and every one of the modal verbs. 

For example:

Ich gehen nach Hause. (I am going home.)-  gehen is conjugated
Ich möchte nach Hause gehen. (I would like to go home.)- gehen is in the infinitive

    2. Borrow From English

German and English are related languages. It is based on German vocabulary some English speakers speak. Some German words mean the same as they do in English and these are known as cognates. For example the word drinking in English is changed to trinken in German. When you start learning German language basics try to learn these similar words first which makes your study easier.

Similarly the sound changes are parallel when the verb is conjugated for different cases and tenses.

Some Examples are:
English : I drank water
German : Ich trank Wasser

  • Singen: to sing
  • Formalizieran: to formalize
  • Sinken: to sink
  • Stinken: to stink
  • Tanzen: to dance

Color Coding for Noun Genders

          When learning German language alphabets and words you come to realize the fact that the language is gender specific. It has three genders for its nouns: masculine, feminine and neuter which are represented by the definite articles der, die and das, and the indefinite articles ein, eine and ein. Right from the beginning learn the gender along with the word. For example, learn das Haus instead of Haus.

          For quick learning you can use flashcards in different colors for each gender. Let us say, Blue for masculine gender, Pink for feminine and Yellow for neuter. You can easily remember the word’s gender when you write down each noun on a card in the color assigned to its gender. This type of color coding technique helps you picturing the thing and always try to establish a mental connection to the color of the grammatical gender. For quick learning you can use flashcards in different colors for each gender. Let us say, Blue for masculine gender, Pink for feminine and Yellow for neuter. You can easily remember the word’s gender when you write down each noun on a card in the color assigned to its gender. This type of color coding technique helps you picturing the thing and always try to establish a mental connection to the color of the grammatical gender.

  4. Focus On The Easy Parts

         Focusing on those parts of German that are easy to pick up will make the learning of the language comfortable. German has no tones, no liaisons between words, no postposition or preposition suffixes, and no strings of difficult-to-pronounce consonants. Moreover it contains many of the same letters as English.
          German is a phonetic language so that by hearing a word you could actually spell and write it out. Since both English and German are part of Germanic family of languages you will also find similar parts of grammar.

5. Change Your Home To A Mini Germany

          Surround yourself with German culture that gives you a feel that you are in Germany. Change your computer into a German-only system or a multilingual system with one language being German. If you are to find some German speakers in your home town the better. German Diaspora is wide spread across the world even though we might not realize it. Watching German television and movies will definitely improve your language. At first watch with the subtitles and then later take the challenge of watching videos without subtitles. Listening to German music and podcasts also helps you in completing the study of the language.

6. Finding The Best German Language Course In Thrissur

          To complete your journey of learning German, selecting a good institute is mandatory. They provide you with essential tips and tricks to learn German easily when you undergo your training phase.

     Florence Nursing Academy being the Best Nursing Coaching Center in Thrissur, can provide you a complete platform for learning all the vocabulary in the language. Learning and practicing vocabulary is important for German language acquisition. Practice by reading, listening, writing, and speaking. Consult us to know more about the course.


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