Occupational English Test

Occupational English Test

Occupational English test otherwise known in the abbreviated form OET is an international English language test mainly focussed on people who wish to work in the healthcare sector abroad. Basically it determines your English communication skills in international standard. With the increase in demand of healthcare professionals abroad more such language proficiency exams are in demand. As a result this test is made available for all the professionals who are willing to work in these 12 professions abroad. They are:

  • Dentistry
  • Dietetics
  • Medicine
  • Nursing
  • Occupational therapy
  • Optometry
  • Pharmacy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Podiatry
  • Radiography
  • Speech pathology
  • Veterinary science
Best coaching centre for IELTS, OET, HAAD, MOH, PROMETRIC provides these above mentioned professionals with extensive training in OET. The OET or Occupational English test is recognised in all the board of the Hospitals and healthcare centres in countries abroad like :

  • Chinese Medicine board of Australia
  • Dental board of Australia
  • Medical board of Australia
  • Dubai healthcare Authority 
  • Dubai knowledge and Human development authority
  • Dietitians board of New Zealand
  • Singapore Medical council
  • General Medical council, UK
  • Ukrainian Medical council
Structure of the course

OET course provides a valid and genuine assessment of all four skills of language like Listening, Reading, writing and speaking. Here is how the four skills are analyzed:

  • Listening

Listening test consists of two parts. Part A where the candidates listen to the consultation dialogue between the patient and the healthcare professional and jot down your observations and Part B where the candidate observe the audio of short talk on any health related topic. The professionals who assess the candidate are highly qualified and trained in the field of Listening sub-test. 

  • Reading

Reading  also consists of two parts. Part A is for candidates to skim read 3 or 4 short texts and complete the summary paragraph with the text by filling the missing words. This way the candidate’s ability to scan texts within a certain time limit. Part B of the test is to read two general healthcare passages and answer the questions that follows the passage.Part C of the reading test assess the candidate’s potential in identifying the meaning and opinion in two different texts as per the preferred topic of healthcare professionals.

  • Writing

The writing paper consists of writing referral letters. For example transfer or discharge letter or letter to advise the patient,career or group. The candidates can use case notes which should be included with the letter. The performance of the writing sub-test is marked individually by two trained assessors. One assessor’s mark is not known to the other assessor. 

  • Speaking

Speaking test in nothing but a one to one conversations with an interviewer. It is a short interview about the candidate’s professional background. There is a role play of 5 minutes based on the interactions of the healthcare professional and the patient. The speaking test is assessed against nine criterias. They are:

  • Intelligence in pronunciation,intonation,stress,rhythm and accent.
  • Fluency in speech
  • Use of proper language and language tone.
  • Range and accuracy of language
  • Whether the speaking is relationship building
  • Understanding and integration of the patient’s perspective
  • Proper sequencing of the speech by organising of the speech
  • Using appropriate open and closed questions.
  • Information giving including proper communication with patient.                 

  • Scoring

The scoring of the OET is based on the performance of the candidate in the four skills of language and they are graded as per their performances on grade 5 scale (A to E). The best OET coaching in palakkad helps the aspiring candidates to score better with their thorough coaching in OET. The assessors score the booklet of the reading test using a detailed guide and they are double checked for accuracy. Writing and speaking are weighed on the basis of over all task fulfilment, appropriateness of language etc. These are some of the areas in OET an aspiring healthcare professional who is planning to go abroad have to give more focus on. 

Advantages of taking OET

With increase in demand for nurses and other healthcare professionals to abroad many professionals are planning to go abroad for work. There is also the problem of either lack of proper language communication between the nurse and patients or miscommunication to patients due to less proficiency in English this can cause huge loss to the healthcare sector abroad. Having a certificate in OET has become essential when it comes to nurses or other professionals going abroad. There are advantages to healthcare professionals when he/she gets certified with OET. They are:

  • Real Healthcare scenarios

The first advantage of OET is to provide real health care scenarios as examples for the students while preparing for the course certification. This way the candidate will get hands-on experience of how deal the real situations. For example if you have to administrate a patient during a medical emergency you need to know how to communicate in English if not the local language. Because not everybody knows the local language and since English is an official language it is essential for one to have sufficient proficiency in the language especially in standards equivalent to international language proficiency.

  • Widely recognised as proof of English proficiency
With OET certificate in your hands you can go work in the healthcare sectors    anywhere in abroad. This certificate is also applicable for getting visas to some countries. For healthcare professionals OET is a direct choice for them if they are willing to work abroad. With OET in your hands the healthcare professionals can be placed in any healthcare centres abroad without a hurdle.

  • Successful career with OET

If your language is extremely good and have the standard that is equivalent to international standards then your career will be at its glorious heights. Because there is huge demand for people or professionals with high language proficiency in the job market abroad. As there have been many instances where there are enough professionals but with less English proficiency. But with OET certificate you career in healthcare and that too in abroad is defined permanently. 

Why Florence?

Now that we know about the course, next question to ask is from where do we get OET coaching. You may have indefinite options for coaching centres but not all of them are best in the field. Choose the best and get your dream for future set. When we think about the best coaching center the one that comes to our mind is Florence Academy,Thrissur. Established in the year 2104, Florence academy is one of the leading coaching academy for availing  the best coaching in IELTS, OET, HAAD, MOH, PROMETRIC and the most popular OET coaching centers in thrissur. They provide the candidates with high standard of teaching and also well trained faculties for OET coaching. They also provide best learning experience for the candidates who are aspiring to go abroad and work. With hands on experience of real life scenarios the aspiring candidates get lifetime learning tips on how to effectively communicate with the patient's and understand and respond to it accordingly. Best Nursing Coaching Center In Thrissur also provides its students with excellent coaching in OET.
Hence occupational English test is essential for all the healthcare professionals who are willing to go abroad and make their future bright. And when you are looking for the OET coaching centers ,choose the best academy and increase the chance of being the best healthcare professional with excellent proficiency in English.


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