What is Occupational English Test (OET) and its Whole Process

Kerala is a state with a lot of doctor and nurse aspirants. Our first general and socially accepted choice for the career is Doctor or Engineering. And those who can't make it doctor become a nurse. However, practicing in Kerala or India is not where the aspiration level drops. It is a dream to work in foreign locations where medical facilities are advanced along with nice income and security.

Such ambitions are valid since Indian don't have a high standard in hospitals from an advanced point of view. Most of the Nurses in India are working hard to service the patients. However, the lack of good infrastructures and advanced facilities make their life hell. It also drops the level of the whole medical facility in India. Over to that, the basic salary offered to nurses are too low for their effort which is frustrating for a hard-working community. This is hard hitting fact and also the main reason why many nurses and doctors want to settle abroad where their professions considered to be respectful, valuable and pay them as per their effort.

Foreign countries such as Australia, America, Middle East countries do have their own procedure to consider your employment. One of them is how efficient are you in the English language. For considering for medical field whether as Doctor or Nurse, communication level is must understand the correct situations and information are must and important fact especially in emergencies. Since the way to ensure that candidate is well qualified on the English language as it considered to be the worldwide known language.

There are certain tests we can do and one worldwide accepted English proficiency tests are IELTS and OET. IELTS is more generic English proficiency test and its result accepted worldwide for any job. However, OET is more accepted in the medical field from medical professionals. If you want to work in Australia, IELTS score or OET score should show as one of the qualifications.

Being an English proficiency course that widely accepted, the course itself tough since it will test each and every aspect of your English speaking and writing skill and since OET is the more medical professional English test, it will include the test on your general medical terms knowledge and it speaking and writing efficiency.

Below OET Exam process explained in details to give you an understanding

There are regulations and policies for Occupational English Test which designed to ensure that all the candidates are treated without any differences and fairly. This is ensured by a secure environment and with highly trained professional conducting it.

OET is a highly recognized test over the world and Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment advises to prepare fully before the exam to give your best. They also provide more details and further preparation and exam materials in OET site for a better preparation.

However, it is better to use the professional OET coaching centers in Kerala for a better practice and preparation. Professional OET courses provide more insight and share their experience and tips on how to be efficient in English and pass the OET exam with good scores.

Here are some General rules and information about the OET test.

OET terms and conditions should be read and the candidate should be aware of them before opting for this exam. If candidates are not ok with terms and conditions and any of the regulation and candidate didn't confront it before, it may result in not allowing you for the exam or not providing you the exam based on the time such issue reports.

Candidate should check the candidate eligibility standard where you are trying for job or settlement. Such as
  • They require the first attempt result and don't accept late attempted results
  • The validity period of the result which may vary from entity to entity
  • There are 4 kinds of tests in OET and all 4 should be attempted in one attempt itself. No test can be done later.
  • Test venue, time and dates are determined by CBLA. Not all venues are available on particular days. Hence check the schedule in OET site.
Registration Process at OET website.

All registration and fee process for OET are online. Please find the details flow as below.
  • Go to https://www.occupationalenglishtest.org/apply/ and register your full data here for registration
  • The application fee will be directly going to CBLA when payment is done.
  • The booking fee for Australian dollar AU$7.00 is applicable. Note that this is a non-refundable.
  • Entering the right information is a duty of the applicant. Consequences of wrong entry will have to bear by the applicant itself.
  • Those who are outside Australia only Passport is considered as the only form of Identification. Hence, please provide the passport details than any other national documents.
  • If the applicant does not have passport an authority letter from the officials can be accepted. Details of the official letter are provided in the OET website.
  • Identity document required during the process.
  1. Passport (Mandatory or else arrange an authority letter)
  2. Driving license
  3. Voting Card
  • Name in the document should match the name in the application
  • Confirmation details of your mail will send to your email.
  • All the details, document and special details like ‘Authority Letter’ should be provided before the closing date.
  • After your registration, you will receive details, invoice, and timetable 
  • Not arriving at the time provided in the mail will lead to disallowing you for the test.
In case of candidate register and paid the fee and not wish to continue with the OET exam, there is a withdrawal process. Based upon when the candidate is withdrawing the form from OCT website, they will get refund accordingly. Here are the rules of withdrawal.
  • Withdrawal can be done one week prior to the exam
  • Refund of full amount less in the administration fee will be provided
  • No refund allowed for those who withdraw within the week time for the test.
  • Refund and withdrawal in only complete when you withdraw the whole form and it cannot be revised after
  • The registration fee of AU$ 7.00 will not be refunded as mentioned before.
If you are a registered OET member and not able to attend the exam on the provided date for any reason, a defer mechanism is allocated so that you can opt another day an venue from the available slot in OET calendar. Here are some points to take care while deferring your exam date.
  • Defer date should be a future date
  • You can defer the date from the registration process even before the registration at the exam venue
  • No refunds are given for deferrals considering you are still performing the exam
  • The whole application must be deferred. Otherwise, deferral will not be active.
During the exam time, it is important to be on time or an early bird. In case of any late formalities because of any incorrect data or mistakes, which is rectifiable, can be sorted out in the given time. The result can be checked in the website as per the schedule provided by them.

Registering for OET exam and clearing it is not easy for obvious reasons. The course itself is very hard and even the process. Having the native dialects and not using English for daily use reflect on our communication level and can decrease the quality of your English which will lead you to fail the exam. Thorough classes are needed and we from Florence academy providing you the best OET training in Thrissur. Being the best Nursing Coaching Centers In Kerala, OET is one of our specialties and we have a great track record in OET winning percentage. Considering IELTS also an accepted English test around the world we do have IELTS coaching in Thrissur and have the amazing winning percentage. Hope to see more and more of association with aspiring Doctors and Nurses who wish to go abroad so we could fulfill their dream.


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